Book list notice

Book list notice have been sent to parents via email. If you have not received the notice from us, please contact our general office as soon as possible.

1. * Please put “X” in the box(es) of the “unwanted item(s)” if you do not want to buy any of the particular item(s).
2. The period of accepting Grade 1 – Grade 3 textbook order is 21st – 27th June 2016.
Please calculate the total amount according to net price and pay by cheque.
We may ask you to re-issue the cheque if there is any discrepancy.
Send this order form and the cheque to St. Hilary’s Kindergarten, G/F, High Park, 51 Boundary Street, Kowloon.
Cheque payable to “Constructive Book Company Limited“.
Please write down school name, student’s name, grade and phone number at the back.
3. Please make a duplicate copy of this order form by yourself.
4. The textbooks will be distributed to students at St. Hilary’s Primary School during 10th August – 1st September 2016.
5. Student/parents can also buy the textbooks from local bookstore.
1. 如若不打算訂購某些課本/作業, 請於”Unwanted Item(s)”的相對方格填上”X”。
2. 升小一(Grade 1)至小三(Grade 3) 訂購課本日期:2016年6月21日(星期二)至27日(星期一)。
支票抬頭”建興書局有限公司“, 支票背面請寫上學校名稱、姓名、班級及聯絡電話。
3. 請自行影印或以手機拍攝訂購單以作為閣下的訂書紀錄。
4. 領取課本日期: 2016年8月10日(星期三)至9月1日(星期四)在德萃小學派發。
5. 家長/學生亦可自行到任何一間書店購買課本。
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