Subjects information

The emphasis of St. Hilary’s is on language acquisition and knowledge, and use of information technology as the tools to enable students to learn more efficiently.

All subjects, with the exception of Chinese and General Studies which use Putonghua, are conducted in English. As well as subjects, a third language is to be arranged for students to take during their co-curricular lessons. Spanish will be the first introduced in Upper Primary.

  • English
  • Chinese
  • Mathematics
  • *General Studies
  • **Moral Education
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • Art
  • Music
  • Reading
  • ***Homeroom


*General Knowledge, Chinese and Western History and Health Education
**Chinese traditional core values are highlighted
** *Growth Education, Homework Tutorials, Daily routines

Distribution of different subjects over the week:

Subject Chi Eng Maths Sci G.S. Art Music P.E.
No. of lessons per week 7 7 5 3 2 2 2 2

* Computational thinking, coding and other STEM elements will be integrated into the Science curriculum.

The implementation of the “DreamStarter Programme”

DreamStarter is an initiative that encourages primary school students to pursue their dreams. Students are encouraged to come up with original and creative ideas and work on them throughout the school year. They can put their projects on DreamStarter platform to gather support from the community by raising awareness, mentoring, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing support. While doing so, it is hoped that students can be equipped with various skill sets that are important to their future development through the experiential learning process, including having a positive mindset towards themselves and the future, being able to cope with stress and difficulties and solve problems independently. At the same time, the school aims to empower students with the vision and responsibility to bring positive impact to the people in the community. All projects under the programme aim to bring real changes to the community through innovative solutions from various perspectives including social, environmental, technology and so on and so forth.

St Hilary’s Primary School 2019/20 Timetable (Taipo Campus)


#Students can choose to stay at school till 15:30 or leave school at 14:05.


VNSAA St Hilary’s School 2019/20 Timetable (KLN Campus)