


2020-07-07 是G6同學們中學派位的日子,首屆派位成績令本校師生鼓舞,為孩子腳下的道路鋪向未來;很多同學們亦以一條龍升讀我們以國際化課程為主的《大光德萃書院》,啟迪孩子揚起遠航的船帆。


We are proud to announce that the first batch of G6 students are about to graduate from St. Hilary’s Primary School. We have been through so much over the past few years and we have provided them with a wealth of knowledge and experiences.

On 7th July2020, Grade 6 students received their results of SSPA and we are very proud of their results and achievements, which have paved a bright future for them. We also have quite a number of our students moving to our Tai Kwong Hilary College under the through-train mode to start the next chapter in their lives. As our students set sail, we hope that they’ll gain new perspectives, learn how to navigate the elements and enjoy the journey to their chosen destination.

No matter which secondary school they end up in, we hope they will remember our school motto – “Based on Virtue, In Pursuit of Excellence.” To our Grade 6 graduates, in the future, you will face many challenges; you may fall but you will also have the resilience to overcome them. The rest of your lifelong journey in pursuing knowledge begins now.


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