SH Summer Camp 2022: Inspirational Adventures

Open for 6 to 11 years old Enrollment! Welcome Everyone from other Schools!

To inspire children to step outside of their comfort zone, realise their potential, and grow in self-confidence and independence, St. Hilary’s is organising a summer camp from 1st August 2022 to 19th August 2022. Parents may read the information with their children and select the programmes based on their interests and abilities.


Morning Programme

Pre-Grade 1 (For current K3)

Pre-Grade 1 Morning Programme
Week Dates Time Theme
Week 1 8/8 – 12/8 9:00am – 12:00nn All About Me
Week 2 15/8 – 19/8 9:00am – 12:00nn All About SH


Current Grade 1 – Grade 2

Grade 1 – 2 Morning Programme


Week Dates Time Tai Po


Mong Kok


Diamond Hill


Week 1 1/8 – 5/8 9:00am – 12:00nn Team Communication Problem Solving Olympic Games
Week 2 8/8 – 12/8 9:00am – 12:00nn Olympic Games Team Communication Problem Solving
Week 3 15/8 – 19/8 9:00am – 12:00nn Problem Solving Olympic Games Team Communication


  • Students can ONLY select either 2 weeks or 3 weeks.
  • Single week enrollment is NOT accepted.


Current Grade 3 – Grade 5

Grade 3 – 5 Morning Programme


Week Dates Time Tai Po


Mong Kok


Diamond Hill


Week 1 1/8 – 5/8 9:00am – 12:30pm Call to the Wild Olympic Games Nature Matters
Week 2 8/8 – 12/8 9:00am – 12:30pm Nature Matters Call to the Wild Olympic Games
Week 3 15/8 – 19/8 9:00am – 12:30pm Olympic Games Nature Matters Call to the Wild


  • Students can ONLY select either 2 weeks or 3 weeks.
  • Single week enrollment is NOT accepted.



Morning Programme Payment
Pre-Grade 1 HK$5,600 for the 2-week programme

HK$2,800 for 1 week

Grade 1 – Grade 2 HK$6,500 for any 2 weeks

HK$9,750 (10% discount) HK$8,775 for all 3 weeks

Grade 3 – Grade 5 HK$6,900 for any 2 weeks

HK$10,350 (10% discount) HK$9,315 for all 3 weeks

Afternoon Programme

Tai Po Programme:

 Time Monday

(1/8, 8/8, 15/8)


(2/8, 9/8, 16/8)


(3/8, 10/8, 17/8)


(4/8, 11/8, 18/8)


(5/8, 12/8, 19/8)

2:00pm – 3:30pm Coding with Scratch Maths Olympiad Smart City STEM Explorer VR Game and Animation
$810 $810 $810 $990 $1,103
Acrylic Painting Light Clay Sewing Art Roller Skating 3D Pen Designer
$675 $675 $1,395 $990 $900
Taekwondo Table-tennis Dodgebee Rope skipping Fencing
$1,260 $720 $630 $810 $945
3:30pm – 5:00pm Musical Workshop A Cappella African Drums Ukulele Stormy Chefs
$1,080 $750 $780 $690 $900
Skateboarding K-pop Dance Basketball Archery Golf
$990 $810 $675 $1,125 $1,260


Mong Kok Programme:

 Time Monday

(1/8, 8/8, 15/8)


(2/8, 9/8, 16/8)


(3/8, 10/8, 17/8)


(4/8, 11/8, 18/8)


(5/8, 12/8, 19/8)

2:00pm – 3:30pm Coding with Scratch Maths Olympiad Smart City STEM Explorer VR Game and Animation
$810 $810 $810 $990 $1,103
Acrylic Painting Light Clay Football Sewing Art 3D Pen Designer
$675 $675 $690 $1,395 $900
Taekwondo Table-tennis Dodgebee Rope skipping Fencing
$1,260 $720 $630 $810 $945
3:30pm – 5:00pm Ukulele Musical Workshop A Cappella African Drums Stormy Chefs
$690 $1,080 $750 $780 $900
Nunchaku Martial Arts Wushu Basketball Archery K-pop Dance
$1,260 $705 $675 $1,125 $810



Diamond Hill Programme:

Time Monday

(1/8, 8/8, 15/8)


(2/8, 9/8, 16/8)


(3/8, 10/8, 17/8)


(4/8, 11/8, 18/8)


(5/8, 12/8, 19/8)

2:00pm – 3:30pm Sewing Art Ceramic Light Clay Acrylic Painting 3D Pen Designer
$1,395 $870 $675 $675 $900
Football Table-tennis Dodgebee Rope skipping Fencing
$690 $720 $630 $810 $945
3:30pm – 5:00pm African Drums Ukulele Musical Workshop A Cappella Stormy Chefs
$780 $690 $1,080 $750 $900
Skateboarding Basketball Wushu K-pop Dance Archery
$990 $675 $705 $810 $1,125


  • Students can enroll any activities of their choice but please ensure there are no clashes in the selection.


For more details of each theme, please refer to the summer camp programme booklet.


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Safety Precautions

  1. Facemasks must be worn by students at all times.
  2. All tutors and students are required to have a temperature check upon entering the school.
  3. All tutors and students are required to complete a Rapid-Antigen Test (RAT) each day before returning to school and only those with a negative result are allowed to return to school.
  4. All tutors must have received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
  5. Students must wash or sanitize their hands before each session. Hand sanitizers will be provided, please use them as required.
  6. We ask that if your child has a fever, cough or any other indications of being ill that you do not bring them to the camp on that day.
  7. Warm up exercises and staging will avoid close proximity as much as possible.


Please note that the precaution measures mentioned above will be updated regularly to meet the latest EDB guidelines and the development of the pandemic.


  1. Enrolment will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. Late submissions will be put on the waiting list. If there are insufficient participants, the activity will be cancelled.
  3. NO refund or make-up class will be arranged for students who are absent from any session.


If your child is interested to join the programmes, please fill in and submit the form on or before 27th May 2022. Parents will be contacted for payment after the submission of the application form.


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